Tuesday, September 27, 2011

This Week Bible Study : Overcoming Your Fear

Dear friends,

I believe each of us faced fear and insecurities in every moment of our lives. Where does fear comes from, do you know? We feel afraid of things that we cannot control, cannot grab , cannot estimate. We are afraid of things that are not under our control. We can be afraid of future, creepy insects/animals ( most probably girls) , rejection and etc.

How did the Bible respond to fear? The bible says, there is no fear in love, and fear are a trap for us. Fear traps our souls, our minds, and our free-willed that is being given by God. Fear also separates us from God's love.

What should we do ? We need to overcome, pray to Jesus, he WILL help you. Next, list down all the things you fear on a piece of paper. After finished writing, tear into pieces and throw onto the floor. Next, step on the shattered pieces of paper, and loudly proclaimed that I HAD OVERCOME. Pick up the paper, and throw away ( symbolising throwing away your fear ).

Further Action : Keep Praying, Keep Reading .

Note : We dont mind receiving emails for prayer request. Send to this email : glorygatesministry@gmail.com. Let us pray for you .