Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Group Discussion : Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Group Discussion : 29th May 2012 : 

Can you memorize the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit ?
When the Holy Spirit lives within us , he will begin his glorious work on us , to grow 9 different fruits of the Spirit in our lives.

Galatians 5 : 22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

 I believe that all believers had these nine different fruits in our lives . However in  every believer , there are some fruits are productive and some are less productive, nevertheless , let us use what we are productive at to help others that are less productive .

1st Fruit : Love  ( Please refer to John 13 : 34-35 )

Love is a verb. Love needs practical actions. However, most of the times our love brings supplementary conditions. I love you so that you will love me. 

Yet, the fruit of love that the Spirit bears is an Unconditional love. We love by laying down ourselves, and love them with actions.

Example : Although I am tired but I'm still willing to help you to do household chores.

2nd Fruit : Joy ( Please refer to Romans 12 : 12)

Joy differs between positive , happiness , optimistic, cheerful and etc. Joy is an action to show your faith towards God. A joyful person takes content , and believes that God will guide them through in whatever circumstances.

3rd Fruit : Peace ( Please refer to Titus 3 : 2)

Peace and Harmony and Unity are different. The fruit of Peace bears by the Spirit refers to stay away from disputes and arguments. One that has the fruit of Peace knows how to dissolve arguments and disputes , and will keep a distance away.

4th Fruit : Forbearance ( Please refer to 2 Thessalonians 3 : 5)

Forbearance means not to defend or stand up for yourselves when you have been accused, being misunderstood . A person that has the fruit of Forbearance will not argue for its own righteousness.

5th Fruit : Kindness ( Please refer to Ephesians 4 : 32 )

The fruit of Kindness refers to offer help when someone needed it , forgive their mistakes , be there when they need you .

Example : Helping others in the church, helping an elderly cross the road

6th Fruit : Goodness ( Please refer to Romans 15 : 14 )

Goodness refers to our pure-heart . Does our motive , our intention , our thoughts, our actions comes from a pure heart ?

7th Fruit : Faithfulness ( Please refer to 1 Thessalonians 5 : 24 )

Faithfulness refers to holding onto something till it happens . You are faithful to something.

Example : Do you remain faithful in your promises to others ?

8th Fruit : Gentleness ( Please refer to Titus 3 : 2 )

Gentleness refers to our words and actions towards others . A gentle person cares for the person , encourages and advices for others . A gentle person does not criticizes , condemn , judging others.

Example : Do you often encourage someone who is moody or judging the reason before encouraging that person ?

9th Fruit : Self- Control ( Please refer to 1 Corinthians 9 : 25 )

A self-controlled person knows when to start doing something and when to stop doing something. A self-controlled person is also a vigilant person.

Example : Do you often set a limit and obey it ? How well have you obey them ?

Reflections : We are all vessels used to manifest God's glory. The Holy Spirit is working in our lives, pruning us , fertilizing us so that we can have the 9 characteristic of the Spirit in our lives. What are you lacking of presently, and how can you practice it ? 

God bless !

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Insight of our fellowship moments ~ 16th May 2012

16th May 2012 : Under-Construction

This week we talked about repairing and replacing pipes, our connection with Christ. To create this atmosphere, we had a most funny and complicating ice-breaking game , which is

The two teams competing
During the ice-breaking game, both teams had tried their best to solve the puzzles . From the game, we can see that both teams tried to cooperate with each other and it promotes unity in the cell group.

Also, Jesin who has been absent last week, joined us this week ! Welcome back Jesin ! However, some are unable to be present this week, but we keep them in our prayers !
This week we discussed about repairing the connections between Jesus . It really motivates us to have a change. On the other hand, through fellowship, we repaired the connections between our youth friends, and together we work as a team , living a life of Faith, giving out Hope and Love. 

The Girls
Youth Fellowship 16-05-2012

God bless. 

Group Discussion : Repair & Replace

Repair and Replace

what areas of your life needs to be repaired ?

Is there any areas of your life needs to be repaired and replaced ? As we grow in experience, in maturity, in exposure , our faith in Christ will gradually grow weaker when we are not constantly connected with Jesus.

Have you ever experienced a pipe leakage ? When a pipe leakage occurs, you need to call a plumber to repair and replacing the pipe . Likewise, if there is a pipe leakage occurs in our life, we needed to call a Spiritual plumber, Jesus to repair and replace the pipes .

The connection between pipes demonstrates our connection with Christ. We are inter-connected with Jesus .As we began to face challenges, problems, temptations , these acts as a blockage , which blocks our connection with Jesus, thus leading to backsliding in Faith , lost your passion for Christ, lost your Faith and trust in Jesus.

If you had discovered being backsliding , began to do things according to your own way , losing the passion to read the Bible and go to church , you need to call for Jesus to repair the connection between you and him.

In Isaiah 40: 31, it describes someone being renewed by strength are like an eagle mounting on wings . An eagle approximately could live for 80 years. When an eagle reaches it 40th year, its feathers have grown too heavy for him, its beak and claws have starting to grow blunt for catching a prey. It needs to undergo a change . 

Our life span are like an eagle , a healthy person could live up to or even more than 80 years. When we grew in experience , we need to undergo a change , our sword of the Spirit and the shield of Faith needs to be sharpen.

The 40 year old eagle needs to pluck off all of its feathers and claw , knocking off its beak and recuperate, waiting for its feathers ; claw and beak to have fully grown. When it has, it had fully transformed into a brand new eagle.
Which areas of your life needed to be repaired and replaced ? God created us in 3 aspects ( body , flesh , Spirit ), which of them needs to be repaired ?

Body : Bad habits , bad eating and drinking habits, addiction

Flesh : Depressed , stress , criticizing , pessimistic 

Spirit : Inconsistency of Bible reading and prayer habits.

Jesus described our relationship with him are like Vine and the branches. When the connection between Jesus and us are repaired and replaced ( eg : Bad drinking habits to Good drinking habits ) , we will be renewed in strength of the Holy Spirit ,we shall be fully transformed and advanced into another higher level . 

May we all stay connected in Christ ! God bless !

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Insight of our fellowship moments ~ 8th May 2012

8th May 2012 : We are a RAINBOW team

This week we are very happy to share with everyone that our team has a new member joining us , her name is Swee King , a 21 year old student . 

Our fellowship began with an ice-breaking game , which is called praising each other. The last one in the game needs to be stick with memos of blessings behind their back until the fellowship ends. Here's an insight look of the actual situation.

The first person to receive blessings - Joyce  ^_^

Guess what they wrote ?
Aha ! Caught you guys unprepared before the camera !
Yea ! Happy to receive blessings !

 The two winners - Michael and Pastor Joyce .

This week we discussed about learning to accept others personality and difference. Everyone are asked to describe their personality using one rainbow color. Coincidentally, our team had seven different colors which makes us a Rainbow team !

Pastor Joyce - Red
Jesin Lee    - Red
Devin Pang   - Orange
Swee King    - Yellow
Michael Yong - Green
David Yong   - Blue
Isaiah Lau   - Blue
Carey Ling   - Indigo and Purple(she wore a purple shirt this week !)

Joke of the week ( during presentation )

Joyce : My personality color is red . Do you know why ?

Rev Lau : Because you look like an angry bird!

Joyce = Angry Bird ?

Joyce : loss of words =.= "

Here's how our rainbow team looks like :

Serious discussion of our rainbow team !
Here we go - Rainbow Team Yeah !
Youth Fellowship 08-05-2012 , Yea !
Still looking good ~

Finally, our true colors exposed !

Lastly, we ended our fellowship with prayers and blessings and a short tea-break, and of course photo taking ( credits to Rev Lau for helping us to take some photos ).

Sayonara !

God gave us different personalities to work all things for the benefits of those who believe in him. 

God bless !

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Learn to accept others ( taken from 2233 youth space )

Everyone are different, are you willing to accept others ?

This week we learned about gifts. We learned that gifts are a blessing and a tool to spread God's blessings.What belong to us are used to spread God's blessings ? Our talents are a blessing , our character / personality are also a blessing too !

God created everyone with different personalities . Some may be cheerful , shy , aggressive , passive . We live in a big environment that is mixed with different kinds of people , with different personalities. Why wouldn't God created an environment with the same personality as ours ? 

Rainbow is made up of 7 totally different colors , yet these color combination make the rainbow attractive . Likewise, because of the difference in personalities , it makes our life as attractive as a rainbow. If a rainbow consist of only one single color - what do you think it would look like ? I'm sure its not as breathtaking and beautifying as before.

Its hard to imagine to live with people that share the same character as us. God created us with different characters so that all things work together . Are you willing to change your opinion , learn how to accept others , although they might not be the one you like. 

A successful social person is to know how to socialize with all different kinds of people whether you like them or not .  

Matthew 5 : 44

But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

Let us change our attitude and begin to accept others !

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

1st May 2012 : Exercising your faith

Do you know how healthy your faith is ? Faith is vital in our spiritual life , because the whole foundation of Christianity is based on faith. When we lose faith, we are vulnerable to the devil attacks, thus being discouraged, dismayed.

How often have you felt yourself being discouraged , lost faith? If its too often, its time for your faith to do some exercise.

How to exercise our faith? First, we need healthy faith habits. What makes you often discouraged ? List it out and commit them to God. To improvise your faith lifestyle , you need to change what you intake - is it good for your faith ? 

Second , Exercise your faith- how? First, develop a bible-reading habit. Faith comes from the word of God. You need to be affirmed and rooted in God's word.

Two,Pray. Pray is a good exercise for your faith. Make a prayer diary , list down what are your prayers every day and make some comments if your prayers are answered.

Third,Live it out ! Faith is trusting . Try to trust God's guidance in every step you take. Believe God will take you to a higher places.

Lastly,after exercising your faith, don't forget to have regular checkup ! Give thanks to God often, it will keep you happy every day!

Have you done your faith checkup? Is your faith healthy ? Check it out now ! 

Monday, April 2, 2012

March 27th : Colors Of Faith

March 27th , our last fellowship of the month . As the holy week ( the week that Jesus is crucified and resurrected . ) is approaching , we began to ponder what does faith means to us. What does the gospel means to us ? What is the gospel that we had been emphasizing on ?

There is one interesting article that is called the "Colors of Faith ". It uses colors to describe the gospel. Interesting isn't it ? There are seven colors altogether, and here are they and what they mean

The first color is yellow , which represents God is light. He shines upon us. 

The second color is black, which represents Sin. Sin blocks God's light to shine upon us.

The third color is red, which represents the blood of Jesus . 

The fourth color is white, represents through the blood of Jesus ; our sins were purified and cleansed.

The fifth color is green, represents the new life in Christ.

The sixth color is blue, represents the baptism with Christ

Lastly, the seventh color is purple , represents the crown of life we will obtain from Jesus Christ. 

To make this group discussion more interesting, each of us make a cross using the colors of faith and using the cross we made to make a speech. The top three speakers were - David , Devin and Carey . Keep it up !~

Lastly, we had a wonderful group picture to remember this day and to remember our faith.

Here is a picture of how a cross of colors of faith looks like :

Pretty nice isn't it ? :D

And here you go, our pretty amazing group pictures ;)

We look pretty colorful right ?

Smile :D

Have a wonderful March and a blessed April !

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

We are ONE team

20th March 2012 , Tuesday

Tonight is the first youth service we had in our church. We had a wonderful time together.Tonight's theme is about CO-OPERATION . A cell group is not only a time for us to gather and have fun, most important of all, we are a team - a team of serving God , and we should work with each other for the gospel. 

During our group discussion, we were tasked with designing a poster for our youth cell. Everyone did their part, such as Isaiah done the drawing, David helps to design, Carey helps to cut , Michael and Jesin helps to color and Joyce helps to serve us food and drinks to keep us energetic and refreshed. Although we didn't manage to finish off the poster tonight, but tonight it has truly helped us to learn that we all should work with each other , and finish the assignments that God has given us.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Great Reunion

13th March 2012:A Great Reunion
Youth Fellowship 13-03-2012 yea!
Its few months since our last gathering during Chinese New Year this year. Yesterday night, we decided to have our fellowship once again .

Yesterday night, we gathered at Pastor Joyce house around 6pm. We were served with FooChow delights. The food is delicious .

Then, we had a ice-breaking game led by Joyce. This game is called " I love you ". I love this game very much. Following after we had praise and worship moments and we watched a chinese movie together. It is called : " Team of Miracle, we will rock you ". It's movie plot was based on a true story and it almost have the similar storyline with " Facing the Giants ".

After a 2 hours movie watch, we ended our cell group meeting with blessings and closing prayer. We sincerely hoped that all of us achieved our mission " DAVID YOUTH". Here's a few photos to share with you all. 
God bless
- David Youth-

Yum Yum
Foochow dinner

Carey Ling
Pastor Joyce
Yum Yum

Isaiah Lau
Youth Fellowship 13-03-2012 yea!
The Girls

The Boys

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year 2012
Its time to look forward for a better year, press on for improvement and forget what has happened in the past. How have your New Year been ? 

During the Chinese New Year, we went for house- visitation to reconnect our relationships with each other for we have been too busy with our own matters for the previous weeks. So, I would love to share with you all some of our photos we took during house-visitation and anyway

Happy Chinese New Year !
My beautiful sister
My beautiful sister :)

Too happy - overwhelmed
Yea, we are one family

Two bodyguards ??

My youngest member
Future Youth Cell Group Member

Happy Chinese New Year


Too busy eating new year goodies !

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy 1st B'day !

11th January 2012 , Wednesday

(From left to right : Michael Yong, Isaiah Lau ( Asst leader), Pastor Joyce (leader), David Yong, Devin Pang, Carey Ling )

May the Lord continue to bless this fellowship with abundant blessings, and may the Lord empowered our youth cell so that we can be an example to the others . May the Lord also bless our readers and followers so that they can make a difference in where they are - in school, in church, in the marketplace.

May God bless you !~