Thursday, May 17, 2012

Group Discussion : Repair & Replace

Repair and Replace

what areas of your life needs to be repaired ?

Is there any areas of your life needs to be repaired and replaced ? As we grow in experience, in maturity, in exposure , our faith in Christ will gradually grow weaker when we are not constantly connected with Jesus.

Have you ever experienced a pipe leakage ? When a pipe leakage occurs, you need to call a plumber to repair and replacing the pipe . Likewise, if there is a pipe leakage occurs in our life, we needed to call a Spiritual plumber, Jesus to repair and replace the pipes .

The connection between pipes demonstrates our connection with Christ. We are inter-connected with Jesus .As we began to face challenges, problems, temptations , these acts as a blockage , which blocks our connection with Jesus, thus leading to backsliding in Faith , lost your passion for Christ, lost your Faith and trust in Jesus.

If you had discovered being backsliding , began to do things according to your own way , losing the passion to read the Bible and go to church , you need to call for Jesus to repair the connection between you and him.

In Isaiah 40: 31, it describes someone being renewed by strength are like an eagle mounting on wings . An eagle approximately could live for 80 years. When an eagle reaches it 40th year, its feathers have grown too heavy for him, its beak and claws have starting to grow blunt for catching a prey. It needs to undergo a change . 

Our life span are like an eagle , a healthy person could live up to or even more than 80 years. When we grew in experience , we need to undergo a change , our sword of the Spirit and the shield of Faith needs to be sharpen.

The 40 year old eagle needs to pluck off all of its feathers and claw , knocking off its beak and recuperate, waiting for its feathers ; claw and beak to have fully grown. When it has, it had fully transformed into a brand new eagle.
Which areas of your life needed to be repaired and replaced ? God created us in 3 aspects ( body , flesh , Spirit ), which of them needs to be repaired ?

Body : Bad habits , bad eating and drinking habits, addiction

Flesh : Depressed , stress , criticizing , pessimistic 

Spirit : Inconsistency of Bible reading and prayer habits.

Jesus described our relationship with him are like Vine and the branches. When the connection between Jesus and us are repaired and replaced ( eg : Bad drinking habits to Good drinking habits ) , we will be renewed in strength of the Holy Spirit ,we shall be fully transformed and advanced into another higher level . 

May we all stay connected in Christ ! God bless !

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