Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Group Discussion : Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Group Discussion : 29th May 2012 : 

Can you memorize the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit ?
When the Holy Spirit lives within us , he will begin his glorious work on us , to grow 9 different fruits of the Spirit in our lives.

Galatians 5 : 22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

 I believe that all believers had these nine different fruits in our lives . However in  every believer , there are some fruits are productive and some are less productive, nevertheless , let us use what we are productive at to help others that are less productive .

1st Fruit : Love  ( Please refer to John 13 : 34-35 )

Love is a verb. Love needs practical actions. However, most of the times our love brings supplementary conditions. I love you so that you will love me. 

Yet, the fruit of love that the Spirit bears is an Unconditional love. We love by laying down ourselves, and love them with actions.

Example : Although I am tired but I'm still willing to help you to do household chores.

2nd Fruit : Joy ( Please refer to Romans 12 : 12)

Joy differs between positive , happiness , optimistic, cheerful and etc. Joy is an action to show your faith towards God. A joyful person takes content , and believes that God will guide them through in whatever circumstances.

3rd Fruit : Peace ( Please refer to Titus 3 : 2)

Peace and Harmony and Unity are different. The fruit of Peace bears by the Spirit refers to stay away from disputes and arguments. One that has the fruit of Peace knows how to dissolve arguments and disputes , and will keep a distance away.

4th Fruit : Forbearance ( Please refer to 2 Thessalonians 3 : 5)

Forbearance means not to defend or stand up for yourselves when you have been accused, being misunderstood . A person that has the fruit of Forbearance will not argue for its own righteousness.

5th Fruit : Kindness ( Please refer to Ephesians 4 : 32 )

The fruit of Kindness refers to offer help when someone needed it , forgive their mistakes , be there when they need you .

Example : Helping others in the church, helping an elderly cross the road

6th Fruit : Goodness ( Please refer to Romans 15 : 14 )

Goodness refers to our pure-heart . Does our motive , our intention , our thoughts, our actions comes from a pure heart ?

7th Fruit : Faithfulness ( Please refer to 1 Thessalonians 5 : 24 )

Faithfulness refers to holding onto something till it happens . You are faithful to something.

Example : Do you remain faithful in your promises to others ?

8th Fruit : Gentleness ( Please refer to Titus 3 : 2 )

Gentleness refers to our words and actions towards others . A gentle person cares for the person , encourages and advices for others . A gentle person does not criticizes , condemn , judging others.

Example : Do you often encourage someone who is moody or judging the reason before encouraging that person ?

9th Fruit : Self- Control ( Please refer to 1 Corinthians 9 : 25 )

A self-controlled person knows when to start doing something and when to stop doing something. A self-controlled person is also a vigilant person.

Example : Do you often set a limit and obey it ? How well have you obey them ?

Reflections : We are all vessels used to manifest God's glory. The Holy Spirit is working in our lives, pruning us , fertilizing us so that we can have the 9 characteristic of the Spirit in our lives. What are you lacking of presently, and how can you practice it ? 

God bless !

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